(Pu+29) 1080P Misterele Trecutului Gratis Românești Mp4

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dowedo: ive got to say i still check this website and the facebook page but the less updates i see the less likely i am to check it :( Nov 18, 2015 12:03:05 GMT -5
nelthalor: WEEEEELL, the last time i logged in Oct 1, 2014 at 10:56am. I might as well say hi. Hey Eclipse, when will some beta stuffs start again? WTB invites. Take my moniez again. Nov 18, 2015 5:01:23 GMT -5
cburton99: Is this server up again or is it down ? Nov 8, 2015 4:45:57 GMT -5
Within Amnesia: I See :-P Nov 2, 2015 7:09:49 GMT -5
Eclipse: pretty much going to blizzconn so between my arm accident and that im mia Oct 30, 2015 15:08:09 GMT -5
Pyah: www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=520575761439410&id=203612386469084 Oct 24, 2015 19:46:57 GMT -5
Within Amnesia: Hmm 11 days without being on the chat box.. Maybe Eclipse Died? If so I guess wow will never be cool again. Rip W.o.W. 2003-2015. Oct 21, 2015 23:58:23 GMT -5
epicgohan23: i guess we will never know? Oct 20, 2015 15:18:34 GMT -5
Within Amnesia: How did your Arm Break Eclipse? (If you do not mind the question that is:S) Oct 10, 2015 13:01:42 GMT -5
birdseye123: gl with the arm. plz don't rush the server. Oct 6, 2015 21:56:52 GMT -5
epicgohan23: Take your time. Make sure your arm is better :) Oct 5, 2015 14:23:36 GMT -5
Eclipse: Pretty much slowing down on work because i want to make sure my arm gets better 100% incase anyone is wondering Oct 5, 2015 13:56:54 GMT -5
Shadowstep: R.I.P Eclipse's arm Sept 28, 2015 3:41:00 GMT -5
Pyah: bl Eclipse, get well soon ! Sept 27, 2015 5:38:13 GMT -5
epicgohan23: nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sept 25, 2015 19:48:13 GMT -5
Eclipse: ..Broke my arm folks! Sept 25, 2015 18:11:16 GMT -5
shadr687: whyu you dont have forum???? Sept 25, 2015 16:33:47 GMT -5
Eclipse: Been busy and stressed with real life/work currently. Some updates later next week. Sept 24, 2015 14:02:18 GMT -5
epicgohan23: I dont remember to well. You needed someone to code for the server when you were taking it down. Sept 20, 2015 18:40:57 GMT -5
Eclipse: What spot? Just taking our time, no rush. been busy with work. Sept 20, 2015 18:33:34 GMT -5
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